Thursday, January 22, 2009

Burnt Finger

Well, today started out just like any day. But, I LOVE Thursdays considering Douglas and I both have Thursday night off. Well, my sister had to stay later to get grades in. &*& Matthew was flying in from being away with military so I had to get the house extra tidy and clean for him.

Well, Barrett takes an unusually long 3 1/2 - 4 hr nap today! Which was ABSOLUTELY amazing! I had time to even clean my car out, which was pretty discusting if you ask me! I never thought I'd see the day that my car would actually look like that, but I also didn't think I'd have a 2-year-old going everywhere with me for quite some time.

Anyways, I got a lot done I needed done but still didn't get it all done. I still have a mound of laundry to do. Well, this week is kinda sad for me. I might be soon saying goodbye to my dog. Love is now a year old, as of the first, and I am very attached to her. However, I know that I really don't have the time to give her. I work all the time and I am never home. &*& that's just not fair to her. I love her to death though. A woman from where my sister works is going to "test drive" her tomorrow night.

Tomorrow I am either going to do it myself or take her to petco to get her all groomed up. It really makes me sad. I love sleeping with her because she LOVES to cuddle but I guess I do have Douglas for that now. I'm pretty beat up about this and it does make me cry. I am really gonna miss her! She was there for me when no one else was. Oh well, on to the title now huh? Well, after Barrett awoke from his nap he was already hungry for dinner so I started grilled cheeses. He screamed about something so I turned around and did not pay attention to my left hand.

It had been holding the handle on the frying pan. Well, there is a piece between the handle and the actual pan itself that is about an inch thick and metal. Well, I had accidently grabbed that piece! &*& not only was it hot but my Brain wouldn't tell my hand to let go. Now my entire left index finger has a huge blister on it. OUCH!

I am just so tired of all the lil bad things happening to me lately. I really feel like a clutz but I also know that I really am not that big of a clutz. Oh well, I better get my butt in bed as I am dozing off writing this now. CHOW!


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