Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Well...today was a very exhausting day. But a lot better than the last few. I couldn't sleep a wink last night. I don't know if it's because I didn't have Douglas beside me or if it was the absence of Love. I really miss how she used to curl up in a ball next to me under the covers. But, I really didn't fall asleep until after 4 AM this morning. &*& Barrett woke me up at his usual 6:00 AM!

Well, I then thought to myself oh he'll take his 3 hour nap and I can get a good 2 hr nap in too until I need to get ready for work. HAHAHA NOTT!!!! The turd did not even blink. Not only did he not take a nap....he was off the walls all day long. A complete handful. I didn't get a nap in...and had to go work the second job knowing I would be closing with 2 hours of sleep!

Tonight was especially slow...&*& to top it off the two other servers I worked with are my worst enemies really...oh well, I made it through. The girl who is supposed to close with me left me ALL alone to do EVERYTHING. But, I finally got done at 11:30. And I prolly had about 6 tables, if that, all night! I still managed to make 60 bucks tho...so it turned out alright.

Then I went to Douglas' house and had coffee and a snack. I never go home without spending about an hour with him after work. He makes me so happy. This man truly is my world. Everytime he smiles my head just spins! I love having him there while I am at work. Because a table can be the rudest ppl I have ever met and I want to shoot myself but when I look through that window at his smile and him mouthing I love you everything melts away! I love Douglas with everything that is in me.

Oh, and on another note. I found out some REALLY great news on Thursday night before all this mad house happened. My mom recently had gone to doctor for a mamogram. Well, it came back abnormal...which could mean anything?! My mother and I haven't really had a relationship at all until recently...and the thought of breast cancer made me shutter. Well, when I called to tell her about my extremely burnt finger she told me her news. The abnormalties were just cists and she's going to be just fine. But definitely needs to keep up with her yearly checkups and exams just to be safe! Thank God! ( :

Sorry, that I got a little mushy gooshy...that's just how I feel tonight. Mooshy gooshy! hehe! Alright it's time to hit the hay...afterall, I am extremely exhausted!
