Monday, February 2, 2009

Start of a LOOONG week!

Well, today started out pretty early with Barrett as usual...He ate breakfast and fell asleep at 9:00! Ugh so I did my laundry only to find out the washing machine LEAKS!!! So I got one load done and had started another load before realizing it...but, at least my work clothes were clean and dry. That is the main reason I always wash that load first!

After, his nap (keep in mind I didn't get one) he was a good kid until Matthew got home at 4:00 aparently he was not the greatest kid tonight. But, I fed him lunch and we played with numbers and pictures and such. Then It was time for me to get to work. I got my butt to work and it was a completely dead night! But, even on such a dead night I managed to squirm 60 bucks!

After that, I came home to Douglas' for the most wonderful night of my LIFE!!! That I won't discuss here on the internet...but lets just say a great night! Then I headed back to Mashpee and laid down. Barrett woke up every hour on the hour last night and I finally got up at 4 AM and turned the baby moniter off and said to myself, "they can just wake me up in the morning!"

All in all, a good day to start the week! Have a good one!