Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Ugh today was such a LOOONG day! Barrett woke up early apparently, but I wasn't woken up until 6:30...which was somewhat of a relief!! I went downstairs and laid around until he was ready to get up and eat breakfast. We ate breakfast and went back downstairs to play. We played and played...10:00 rolled around and he plopped himself up on the couch for a nap!

Don't worry wasn't a long one tho. I put in a movie called Return to me and it was so good to just be able to relax. Then the kid became a monster for the rest of the day. He didn't wanna eat lunch, didn't wanna take a bath, didn't wanna get out of the bath, didn't even wanna see mommy at first!

She came home early and we watched the DVRed episode of the Bachelor right before I had to go to work! Keep in mind my new phone came in yesterday and I really needed to go to sprint to talk to them today. BUUUUUUTTTT it snowed ALL day long...not just snow A BLIZZARD like storm...and my sister doesn't want me out in the snow with Barrett in the car at all. I'll just have to do it tomorrow.

Anyways, I went to work. It was completely dead...I mean D-E-A-D! I was there from 4:30 until 9:30 and had 2 tables making 10 dollars! So, now I am here at Douglas' waiting for him to come home. I have decided to stay here tonight and leave in the morning. Because right now the roads are not plowed and need to be sanded/salted before I drive home and that won't start happening until about 3 AM!

I'll just leave at 5 AM! Well, I am tired and going to quit rambling! have a goodone! Goodnight!
